Monday, March 12, 2012

On being a Parent First

Its been a very long time since my last post.  Not that I haven't wanted to lock myself in the office and plunk out my thoughts onto the keyboard, because I have.  BUT, I have something else going on and it  takes priority.  Parenting is both difficult and rewarding.  I find I struggle most when I have too much going on, hold on to expectations that don't happen and am not present when I should be.  I have gotten much better at slowing down, and setting the "less important" things aside.

Making sure that I get my work-outs into my day is a feat in and of itself.  I never know when one of the boys will be sick, feel clingy, or just really want mom to play a game with them.  Rather than stress out (which I admit happens from time to time,) I really try to just go with the flow.  I have begun waking at 5:30 to get some of my work-outs in before everyone else wakes up. This allows flexibility in my day, if something unforeseen should come up..... floods, snow, sick, tired you name it.   It also allows me the time to volunteer at the school each week.  Even though I am a bit tired through the days, I have found that I have more patience and focus when I am with the kids rather than going through the day trying to fit it in.

Lately, I have really been paying attention to those moments that I would have otherwise missed had I been distracted or disengaged.  Having these sweet moments motivate me to continue to manage my time in this way, so that when I am with my kids, I am really WITH them.

The other day Alleck and I were walking hand and hand down to the bus stop to pick Keller up.  We were talking about when I was pregnant with him.  I spoke of how long we waited for him, so excited to finally meet him, and of how healthy and strong he became while he grew inside of me.  As sweet as can be, he says " I loved it in there!  I had a really good time in there", and continues to say "One time I remember a big drop of wine came down and I opened my mouth and drank it.  It was good!".  I mean, so totally sweet.  And not a conversation that I could have with him had I been elsewhere.

This past weekend the neighbor boy came to visit, and this is what I found them doing together.  Anyone else need their hot tub emptied?  I've got a human machine to rent out.

I will try to be regular about my posts this season.  But when you don't hear from me for a while, please understand that I am probably building Lego's, playing a heated game of Nerf basketball or sitting on the couch reading books. And this is exactly where I need to be.

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