Friday, July 13, 2012

A memorable finish to the end of the season at Picketts charge

We arrived at Wanoga Snow park on Saturday at 5pm and I immediately set out on a pre-ride of the course while Trevor set up camp.  The lap took me just about an hour, and began to rain as I made my way back to the van.  Luckily Trevor thought to bring our easy-up tent because it really started to rain and was cold, like maybe in the low 40's.  It was quite a sight.  Maybe 10 or so tents pitched on the blacktop and as many people as we could squeeze under our cover.  This scenario was pretty hilarious. Here we all were, the last week in June and in Bend, Oregon and it was cold and raining. 

I contemplated not doing the race, as I was feeling pretty tired and burnt out.  During the my warm-up it began to rain pretty hard and it was freezing.  My hands were numb and I was shivering.  On the start line, Alice Drobna tells me that she will take it easy out there because the rain will make the rocks slippery and dangerous.  Oh geez, the last thing I need is to get injured here at a race that I really don't need to do.  I already had the lead in the series, so other than saying that I did all 10 of the series races, I had no business even being there.  Before I could talk myself out of it, the gun sounded and we were off.

My plan was to just ride the course conservatively and not to push myself too hard.  I held to the plan for the first lap, and was maybe in 3rd or 4th place.  Mid-way into the second lap I decided that I was feeling good, and my competitive nature took over.  I decided to see just how far ahead the other girls were.  I had to work pretty hard at this point to catch them, and within a couple miles to the finish was able to secure first place.  So, I ended up the season with 6 straight 1st place wins. 

Trevor was happy with his race, although he crashed on some rocks on the first lap and broke his front brake lever.  He still managed to come in second, riding the entire 2nd lap with only a rear brake.
Dressed for the weather!

The sun came out midway through the race and turned into a beautiful day.  The boys had a blast riding on the Wanoga Pump Track the entire day and we were literally the last car out of the parking lot.

We ended our weekend with dinner at the Kokanee Cafe in Camp Sherman where we were able to use the gift certificates that we won at the Sister's Stampede.  Thanks to the Kokanee Cafe for this kind donation!

Out with the old and in with the new.  The Oregon Mountain Bike series is now finished and we prepare now to enter the Xterra Northwest series. 

Stay tuned!!

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